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Seed Collection Survey Questionnaire
First name:
Last name:
Work email:
Office postcode:
To improve the process, we’d like to know how clear you think our instructions were, and whether there is anything we can add to improve the guidance.
Please tick the most appropriate answer:
I struggled to understand what was being asked.
I get the idea, but it was a bit confusing.
Clear enough to do the task.
Clear, but could be improved.
I knew exactly what to do.
Is there anything specific you found helpful, or confusing? Please give details:
Did you find the seeds we are looking for? Tick all that apply:
Common Alder
Common Oak
Field Maple
Horse Chestnut
Were any difficult to identify or find? Please let us know:
What date did you collect your seeds?
Roughly how long did it take you to complete the whole process?
Did you enjoy the experience?
Please tell us why?
What would make this a more enjoyable activity? This is your chance to tell us anything about the experience as a volunteer. If we chose different species, would you have found it easier to collect something? Did you discover any tips or tricks that we should know about? Have you told colleagues what you’ve done, and do you think they’d be interested too?
And finally we’d like to say a huge thank you for taking part in this project, from The team at The Conservation Volunteers on behalf of NatWest sustainable banking.
Submit your feedback